Thursday, September 27, 2012

Badass Bitches - Pink sari gang fights against India's oppressors - The National

Let me start with the Women who inspired this blog. India is rated "The Worst Place for Women to Live in the World" and these female vigilantes are fighting against domestic violence, arranged child marriage, poverty, and dowry demands against all odds! Their Founder/Leader Sampat Pal Devi says, “We are not a gang in the usual sense of the term, we are a gang for justice.” And these gals make house calls: to wife-beaters! Guess what those bamboo batons are for? Not twirling in a parade. Talk about eye-for-an-eye: more like beat-down for a beat-down!
I am impressed and inspired! Lead by example Ladies! And Rock that Pink!

Pink sari gang fights against India's oppressors - The National
For more info, visit their Official site:

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