Friday, October 5, 2012

You Kiss Yo Mama With Those...?! - Tips for THE SEXIEST Lips

"You know how to whistle don'tcha, you just put your lips together and blow."
-Lauren Bacall in To Have and Have Not

Gorgeous Lips play center stage to the world of makeup seduction.
Are you giving them the pampering they deserve?

A good skin-care regimen is essential to any glamor girl,
but you're lips need extra love to keep on giving you a luscious pucker.

Lips lack sebaceous glands, which help moisturize the skin.
That's why they dry out so easily.
If you wanna go geeky on the topic (which I recommend, knowledge is power after all),
check out this link to find out the details of how the skin 
on your lips differs from the rest of your body.

Now, get the skinny on maximizing your pout potential!!

Lip Balms

I'm a lip balm junkie, and proud of it! If my lips feel even moderately dry, 
I bust out my parch-prevention so fast the elements don't even stand a chance!

With that in mind, it's been a life-long search for the best protection out there, 
and what I've found is protection is not enough! 
Lips need nourishment!! Vitamins make all the difference!

So here they are: the stars of the show 
that give you everything 
you've ever craved in a lip balm.

 Episilk is my go-to night or day if my lips feel any kind of discomfort.

It's instantly soothing and is all around a perfect choice for protection and moisture. None-scented, and not heavy or waxy.
Episilk Premium Lip Balm

Avalon's Vitamin C Balm offers a good dose of daily vitamins and protects with a slightly thicker texture. Great for windy or snowy areas!  
  Avalon Organics Vitamin C Renewal              
Natural Logic is a fabulous company for the beauty purists out there! You may just get sucked in to these incredible products: all natural, food-grade super-nutrition for skin!
But we're talking lips here: I've tried all these lip products from Natural Logic, and Holy Mother! They really do the job. 
The super fruit balm delivers nutrients galore, and the chocolate petals is the height of lip luxury. You can buy it with or without the lip scrub, but you may want to read on before making that decision. 

One last word on balms: Petroleum-based products do not nourish your lips, they just seal in the moisture that is already there. Plus they affect the melanin production over time, which ultimately means a pale-looking pucker. Not a fan.

Lip Scrub

This is a practice few ladies are privy to. So share with your Sistas and they're sure to praise you for it!

A lip scrub should be part of a weekly regimen at the very least. On a good week, every three days or so is excellent.

There are many lip scrubs on the market, one as seen above, but in support of the DIY divas out there, here's the easiest homemade beauty treatment you'll ever make:

2 Tablespoons Fine Grain Sugar (preferably organic)
1 Teaspoon Food-grade Oil*
1 Teaspoon Honey
A Squeeze of Lemon Juice*

Combine all ingredients in a small container, mix into a paste and apply with a finger, or very soft bristled toothbrush, then rinse off with cool water.
Always apply your lip balm of choice after, and then enjoy the softest lips on the planet :)

*I typically use Olive Oil or Sweet Almond. If you're concerned about breakouts around your mouth, use a lighter oil, like Grapeseed* 
*if you are prone to cold-sores, you may want to skip on the lemon as the
citric acid may upset the delicate ph balance of your skin*

Primed and Ready

If you're going to take the extra effort to put on something really stunning, it's a shame when it vanishes into thin air almost as quickly as you get it there.

Get it on and keep it on!
Urban Decay's Lip Primer Potion
makes sure your glamourous gloss 
stays put, 
right where you want it!

For a two-in-one approach,
Benefit's Lip Plump Primer
has gotcha covered!
A great choice if you're not going glossy, 
but still want to plump it up a few notches.

Plumping Power

When it comes to amplifying impact, Lip Plumpers are my weapon of choice!
I've tried'em all, and these stood up to the challenge.

Sometimes, two steps is a hassle especially when you're out and about. For color and an enhanced impression, these are top of the list! Another plus, they create a more cooling, 
pleasant tingle than an intense burning sensation!

If you want to keep your color options open, Too Faced makes a variety of transparent formulas
that definitely give you the desired results!

But say you don't wanna dish out that kinda dough. Well, price doesn't equal princess in this category!
You can go cheap and still get a sensuous smile with these:

Above you'll see the only item that can get me to brave the wave at Walmart. 
Luckily, you don't even have to leave your house to jump on this deal.

Or go to almost any local grocery store and pick up Physician's Formula Plump Potion. You will not be disappointed with the results you'll get!!

Eye-Popping Color and Creative Concepts

And now for the grand finale!!

 Possiblities are endless when you have a decadent palette to choose from. It just so happens that colors and shades are diversifying everyday!
These ideas will get you started, but here's a tad more 
direction for producing
a profound pucker! 

Swarovski, for special occasions, yes please!!

Lime Crime wins again for the most unexpected and bold colors on the market.

They even created a shade of gray that doesn't drown you out!
Never thought that was possible, 
not that I had ever even 
comprehended grey being an option 
on lips before now!!

I'm sure your thinking about how fast these must fade out,
but having tried them 
I was shocked at their staying power!

Sparkles might just be my favorite color :) This next one hits
 top of the charts for glittery goodness!!

I can't begin to count the compliments I've received when I rock this Gloss!
Sparklicity, I love you!

After searching high and low for a picture of what this looks like on,
I gave up!
So these babies are mine, wearing nothing but Sparklicity in Paiette.
Hope this helps you get the picture!

There's one last Lip-trend circulating around that I just gotta mention:



For styles and patterns you never thought possible, Violent Lips delivers the goods!

Now go out and grab some glares with your gorgeous grin :)

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