Sunday, May 19, 2013

Shoot'em Up Sunday #3 - Pretty Pink Gun Cakes... Yeah, That's Right

Allow me to introduce to you an artist after my own heart in several ways.
For the love of guns, sugar, pink and paradoxes, the man of the hour:
Explore his sugar-glazed world of "Cakeland" and ogle over these delightful captures from his opening night of "Guns & Ecstacy

Pretty, pink, with a cherry on top, he has combined a few of my favorite things in ways I never imagined, but wish I did. Life was so empty until now. 
Fully-automatic sugar-loaded machine guns, carnivorous cake come-hither heels, 
and more weapons of mass seduction than your sugar-tooth can handle, 
I think I'm in love...sweet sweet love.
After all, as with any enticing delicacy, you can't ever get enough.

For the extra extras in the read all about it, the sites are above, and below
just incase you're as awestruck as I am. -

If you wish to look deeper than the frosting and frills,
read the description by the artist in the first link above.
The paradox within the subject matter blatantly implies that there is a deeper meaning to these pieces.
That fact is driven home with deadeye precision when you analyse the works as a whole,
especially the one's that read, "Congratulations Bashar Al-Assad" and "Best Wishes Los Zetas."
When was the last time a cake made you do a double-take?

Here's a small taste from the man himself: 
"This body of work is a result of self-education, 
a lifelong interest in artificial food and objects, 
and an obsession with the relationship between the beautiful and the brutal."
Mission brilliantly accomplished!

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