Sunday, May 26, 2013

Your Right To Bear...Children - 'Women Deliver' & How They Protect Women's Reproductive Health Worldwide

You know that feeling we all get from time to time,
like we're so small in the greater scope of it all,
and what we do couldn't possibly make "that much" difference
in the grand scheme of things?
I have a great way for you to get over that feeling right now!

The 3rd annual Women Deliver Conference is scheduled to 
take place May 28-30 in Kaula Lumpur, Malaysia,
to emphasize the importance of women's maternal health,
as well as women's sexual reproductive health and rights around the world.

Their aim is to eradicate as many preventable deaths to women and girls
as possible by rallying for resource investments, political commitment, and 
further education to the general public about their program.
And there are several ways for you to get on board
with the cause and do what you can to make a difference:
Scroll down and I'll break it all down for ya
so you can just jump right in head first.

Women in the first world nations 
 benefit greatly from government funded family planning 
services and hopefully from child care programs. 
However, that doesn't account for 75% of the world.

That's where Women Deliver comes in.
Their plan for saving the lives of women with maternal needs 
and their children is as easy as 1-2-3:

 1. Access to family planning – counseling, services, and supplies
2. Access to quality care for pregnancy and childbirth
- antenatal care
- skilled attendance at birth, including emergency obstetric and neonatal care
- immediate postnatal care for mothers and newborns
3. Access to safe abortion services, when legal

With this 3-step approach,
they are bringing services to women who otherwise 
could become one of the 287,000 women and girls 
who are killed each year by preventable causes.
Want to know more? I'm sure you do...
Read all About it, expand your Knowledge,
and keep up with the News.

So where do you come in?
There are several options:

You can spread the word by sharing this article
and visiting this link:
You can speak out in your own community:
You can make a donation to an extremely worthy cause
and help your global sista's out:

Again, it's as easy as 1-2-3.
Watch this video to see how it all comes together and
works to make a world of difference for girls, women,
and mothers & their children far and wide:


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